Family Fun at June Events in Olde Town
Start your summer with two fun activities for the entire family in Olde Town Conyers. The summer film series and Lunch on the Lawn are great options that are family friendly. On June 10 starting at 7pm, see Finding Dory at the Olde Town Pavilion. Dave Benson will be...

About Magazines Conyers – Jun 2017

Summer Travel with the Dog – Anxiety and Carsickness
Summer is almost here and with it, summer vacation. Many families will be taking the dog with them and driving long distances. While a lot of dogs love a car ride, some dogs get anxious while traveling and become carsick. It can be stressful for them. While traveling...

Summer at the Library
Congratulations to all the graduates in the Class of 2017! Congratulations to all the students in their completion of the school year. Now that it is summertime, plan trips to your local library to participate in the many activities. Activities will help to keep young...

Honor and Remember at Walk of Heroes This May
May is a time for honoring those in our armed forces with Armed Forces Day on Saturday, May 20th, and for remembering those who sacrificed their lives while in service with Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th. It is a time to pause in what you are doing and think about...

Celebrate Motherhood and Appreciate Your Mom
Moms like to be treated special. The second Sunday in May each year is a day set aside especially for her. This year, Mother’s Day falls on May 14, 2017. Many people will send cards and gifts, but what she might really want is time for the family to come together and...

Dining Guide – Nana’s Review
Nana's Chicken and Waffles welcomes you to the Taste of Conyers! Try these at their booth! At Nana’s Chicken ‘N Waffles, you’ll get a genuinely, welcoming chorus and the immediate sense that this will be the “Southern Comfort Experience” that the sign says it...

About Magazines Conyers – May 2017

How to get in the Right Mindset to Workout
How do you convince yourself to run five miles in the morning? It takes discipline, planning and a commitment to working out. But how do you develop the right mindset to exercise and stay focused? Avril James, a personal trainer and mindfulness instructor for...

April Puppy Talk – Pets and Allergies
Pets and Allergies Spring is here and with it comes allergy season. While you are battling allergies, you might not realize that your pet could have them, too. If your pet gets itchy during spring, they may be reacting to seasonal, environmental allergens. Many pets...