Would you like to reach your local community at home when they need you?
About Magazine’s mission is to connect local and small businesses with their potential customers.
Our FREE 15,000 copies are delivered to homes with disposal income which gives you the opportunity to turn your brand into a valued business and invest dollars back into the community by shopping local. About Magazine is a direct mail resource for relevant, positive stories and timely information for our readers providing local businesses with a premium outlet for community based advertising.
Click to see our current publication at the top right corner of this page under publications
We provide several doors to your business including direct mail, online, billboards and social media. In our 19 years of business we have established community partnerships and relationships to help your business thrive.
About Magazine is opening another door for businesses to reach the community through radio advertising and spotlights on KBCN. Lorraine taped her first tv/radio episode of Women in Business today. Dr. Andrea Bowen’s-Jones was her first guest. Thanks to James Green of KBCN for making it so easy. We also taped an episode with Gena McLendon, executive director at Merryvale Assisted Living today. Programs will run starting in August.
Lorraine Harrison of About Marketing is the host for Women in Business and today she will be talking with Gena Mclendon of Merryvale Assisting Living about her successful career of 22 years at 10 A.M. today.
Posted by KBCN Voice LIVE on Thursday, August 9, 2018
Tune in at 10am to KBCN for the first of many spotlights on Women in Business by a Woman in Business Lorraine Harrison of About Magazines. Visit: www.aboutconyersga.com for KBCN downloads. Today featuring Dr. Andrea Bowens-Jones.
Posted by KBCN Voice LIVE on Thursday, August 2, 2018
Please enjoy a video in detail from Lorraine Harrison on how we help small businesses grow:
Morning Motivators Leads Group – 4/25/18
Lorraine Harrison – About Magazines
Posted by Estation Conyers on Wednesday, April 25, 2018
When timing is everything, About Magazines directly affects its readers by exposing businesses to them throughout the year, monthly.
Word of mouth advertising is always the best. What better word than the word of a magazine that has always giving you the information on the community and local small businesses?
About Conyers Magazine is full of other time appropriate business sections such as our About Pets, Kids and Camp and our Dining Guide. The Dining guide is an opportunity for restaurants to post a review of some of their menu and to brand their restaurant logos. The review is exposed to our foodies through print, our website and social media. We print Home and Gardens issue thru out the year as well. We want our clients to have an opportunity to be fully exposed to their potential customers through out the year.
From Peter Arthur, Arthur’s Remodeling 4/2018
My wife Venus placed an ad for my remodeling company in the About Conyers Magazine. I started getting calls right away. One lady wanted me to make her bathroom look like the one in my ad. I have gotten 4 jobs already. I am very pleased with the outcome of this small investment compared to the return I have received already.
Amy Belanger – Cardinal Cleaning Services
“I highly recommend About Conyers Magazine. I grew my cleaning company quickly for the first 5 years using only an ad in the About Conyers Magazine. ”
Neal Lange – Neal Lange Insurane aka The Insurance Guy
“I make lots of sales from my ad in the About Magazine. It’s a great way to make new customers!”

To advertise contact:
Lorraine Harrison
770 289-9621
“Your best source for local service”