This year, Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Will you take part in an “Act of Green”?  An Act of Green is something simple or complex that you do for the environment.  It can be done specifically on Earth Day or be a habit that you start in celebration of Earth Day.

Here are some examples of Acts of Green:

Implement the 3R’s of reduce, reuse, and recycle. You start your own recycling program where you collect your plastics, aluminum, metal cans, newspapers, and cardboard boxes. To reduce your waste, you can buy more bulk products when you go grocery shopping. Less packaging means less waste. And be creative with items by repurposing them for crafts. Reduce your water and energy footprint. If you own your home and have not had an energy audit, contact your local electric management company to see how you can save energy.  You might be surprised at how much energy you can save by unplugging unused cords at your home and office. Changing your light bulbs to the more efficient LED bulbs, weatherproofing your doors and windows, and adding insulation in your home are all ways to conserve energy.

Create a backyard wildlife area. Consider building a birdhouse for that tree in your backyard. Set up a compost bin for organic waste. Get a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering plants. Or convert some grassy or hard to grow locations to low-maintenance, landscaped areas.

No matter what act of green you choose for this Earth Day, remember to have fun.