Lorraine Harrison of About Marketing is the host for Women in Business and today she will be talking with Kathy Anderson CEO/Owner LaVie Spa & Salon at 10am & 7pm. Tune into KBCN. Downloads available on www.aboutconyersga.com #conyersga #rockdalecountyga #kbcnvoice #kbcnmedia #konaiceofconyers
Posted by KBCN Voice on Thursday, August 16, 2018
Kathryn Anderson
Beauty comes from within’ sounds like such an overused cliché; but, after almost 20 years in the beauty industry I have come to understand this ‘cliché’ on a much deeper level. Yes, deep within a joyful soul lies beauty! Some of the kindest most charitable people are the most beautiful in the world. I often think of Mother Teresa and her soft compassionate eyes. In fact if you wrote down 10 things about the most beautiful person you know, I am positive not one thing would have to do with their looks. Characteristics such as confidence, compassion, strength and selflessness might be among a few.
Our philosophy at La Vie Spa & Salon is to educate women about the mind, body and spirit connection. In all simplicity that connection is our life long journey. It is so important for women to take time for themselves. Women are running their own business’, taking care of children, parents and often today, grandchildren. We are running ourselves ragged without taking a breath. Also, I am convinced that cell phones are killing human connections. Team La Vie empowers guests to take some time away from this world. If only for an hour to experience aroma, purposeful breath, touch, eye to eye communication and peace. We strive to create meaningful experiences that help recharge, renew and balance the mind, body and spirit. Once we understand and practice this way of life, we can work together as a community to change the world.
As women we need to empower and hold each other UP in business and our personal communities to be the BEST versions of ourselves. How we behave and interact with the world is what makes us beautiful. At La Vie, this is who we strive to be not only for each other; but, to the guests we serve. When we practice with an open heart, we create a chain reaction of care that can spread outward to the community and change the world: one stress relieving treatment at a time!
Kathryn Anderson
LaVie Spa & Salon