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Posted by KBCN Voice on Thursday, September 13, 2018
Rhonda Sheridan
Back in the 70’s young girls looked forward to growing up and being a housewife and raising a family, being a schoolteacher, a secretary, or a nurse; and that was about all our choices. Well, of course today we can be whatever we want, with thousands of options! I choose the nursing profession and attended four long years of nursing school to obtain my RN/BSN degree. I loved that challenging career of helping others and the rewards of seeing the instant results of helping others in their health.
Even though I have left that nursing career a few years back, I find that it has helped me “launch” my current career as an independent Broker/Agent, owing an insurance agency which specializes in Health Coverage. I was told early on by a fellow RN mentor that the “skill” was n the teaching, not the doing, in our home health capacity. I se that today as then, that is exactly what happens in “teaching” others about how insurance works and option plans. It is great to be able to “empower” individuals with the right information for their best choices.
Today more than ever, people need the assistance of an experienced professional in this area. Insurance changes at lightning speed, especially in regards to new government changes and plan offerings. We are getting ready for an exciting Annual Enrollment for 2019 and I am proud to say that I see more positive changes for Medicare Beneficiaries than I have seen in many years! We are also seeing an opening for more under age individual health plans as well. My staff and I have worked hard to prepare for this enrolment season and look forward to helping you and your family.
Rhonda Sheridan RN BSN Licensed Broker Agent
Cell: 770-856-5911 Office: 770-760-9474
Sheridan & Associates